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Obama Administration is No Friend of Rural America

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Today, the Obama Administration announced the formation of the White House Rural Council. The Council, to be chaired by Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, aims to “strengthen rural communities and promote economic growth.” However, the goals of the Council are at direct odds with the Obama Administration’s previous actions and job-killing agenda. Below is a breakdown of just a few of…

Massive Gulf Oil Discovery Shows Need for More American Energy Exploration

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Today, ExxonMobil announced three major American energy discoveries in the Gulf of Mexico while drilling their first deepwater exploration well since President Obama’s drilling moratorium was officially lifted. The discovery is projected at over 700 million barrels of recoverable oil equivalent, making it one of the largest in the last decade. This find translates into 14 billion gallons…

Connect with Team @NatResources Online for the Latest Updates

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Did you know you can connect with the House Natural Resources Committee online? In addition to our award-winning website, the Committee has more ways to engage and communicate with the American people. Here’s where you can interact with us online: On Twitter: @NatResources – Follow us for the latest news and initiatives from Natural Resources Committee Republicans. On Facebook:…

Americans Show Support for Legislation to Expand Domestic Energy Production, Create Jobs, and Lower Prices

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With the national average price of gasoline approaching $4 a gallon, Americans continue to experience the negative impacts of our dependence on foreign sources of oil. They are also becoming more engaged in the effort to increase domestic energy production. Over the past several weeks, more than 18,000 Americans from 49 states have contacted Congress in support of Chairman Hastings’…

Virginia Governor Bob McDonell Urges Passage of H.R. 1230

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Gov. Bob McDonnell wrote the following OpEd today in the Richmond Times-Dispatch highlighting the importance of energy production off the coast of Virginia and calling on Congress to pass Chairman Hastings’ three energy bills (H.R. 1229, 1230 and 1231) to expand American energy production, lower costs and create jobs. The House is scheduled to vote on H.R. 1230 today. McDonnell:…

Chairman Hastings Tours the Louisiana Coast

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While in Louisiana, Chairman Doc Hastings had the opportunity to visit the Mandalay National Wildlife Refuge in Southeast Louisiana. During the tour, U.S. Fish and Wildlife officials briefed the Chairman on wetland restoration activities currently underway, energy production activities taking place in the Wildlife Refuge, and other important…

CNN Poll: 69% of Americans Support Increased Offshore Drilling

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According to a new CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released today, support for increased offshore drilling is on the rise. Here are some key findings from the poll: 69 percent of Americans favor increased offshore drilling That 69 percent is up 20 points from last June, while the oil spill was still in progress, and is back to the level of support seen in the summer of…

President Obama Deflects and Punts Responsibility on Gasoline Price Increases

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Despite gasoline prices steadily climbing towards $4 per gallon, threatening the livelihood of families and small businesses across the country, President Obama is refusing to take responsibility for any of his actions that have blocked American energy development. Furthermore, he is telling American people there is little than can be done about higher prices at the pump. Today, during…

Rising Fuel Costs Cause Food Prices to Skyrocket

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As Americans continue to feel the pain at the pump, new Labor Department numbers out today show the far-reaching effect high fuel costs have on the average American. According to the Producer Price Index, food prices rose 3.9 percent last month. This increase marks the steepest rise in food prices in 36 years. Like it or not, high gasoline prices make everything more expensive – it costs…

Driving the News Week: Republicans Focus on Lowering Gasoline Prices, Expanding American Energy and Creating Jobs

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Last week, the new House majority launched the American Energy Initiative, an ongoing effort to address rising gasoline prices and expand American energy production. This initiative will help lower costs, grow our economy and create jobs. Visit the American Energy Initiative Facebook page to learn more. As part of this initiative, the Natural Resources Committee has scheduled a series of…