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Press Release

Field Hearing Highlights Importance of Securing Hardrock and Critical Mineral Supply Chains

  • OI Subcommittee

Today, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations Chairman Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) hosted a field hearing with Vice Chairman Mike Collins (R-Ga.) and U.S. Reps. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.), Juan Ciscomani (R-Ariz.), Eli Crane (R-Ariz.) and Debbie Lesko (R-Ariz.) titled, "Securing Supply Chains: Access to Critical Minerals in the American Southwest." Gosar issued the following statement in response:

"Minerals are integral to our modern way of life. Rapid growth in renewable energy technologies is expected to drive mineral demand up by several orders of magnitude, exacerbated by the irrational goals pledged by the Biden administration. Today, the United States has an alarming reliance on foreign nations to meet our demand for minerals. Disturbingly, China controls nearly two-thirds of the world's critical mineral supply and is the largest source of imports for 26 of the 50 minerals classified as critical by the U.S. government. Sadly, the Biden administration is hellbent on stopping mining in this country, including Arizona. Despite the exponential demand for minerals and America's dangerous reliance on China for minerals, recent actions from the Biden administration have shut down domestic mining projects and severely limited America's capacity to meet the demands of increased renewable energy sources and the challenges posed by China's mineral dominance. The anti-mining actions by the Biden administration hurt America's economy, threaten our national security, and push mineral production abroad. Today's field hearing exposes the irrationality of the Biden administration and highlights the access to minerals we have here in America, particularly in the Southwest, if only our federal bureaucracy could get out of the way. I appreciate the witnesses for their important testimony and the Members of Congress who participated in today's hearing."


Mineral exploration, supply and production is abundant across the United States, including in the American Southwest. It is in America's best national security, economic and environmental interests to maximize the production and development of minerals domestically, rather than source them from adversarial foreign nations.

Demand for minerals continues to skyrocket in order to support the modern economy, ensure national security and fuel technological innovation. Despite rapidly increasing demand, the Biden administration’s policies have repeatedly made mineral production and development more challenging and uncertain.

Harmful regulatory policies and schemes promoted by non-governmental organizations and the Biden administration's work toward a "keep it in the ground" mentality often forces American-based companies to source hardrock and critical minerals in their supply chains from abroad. This hearing was an opportunity for members to learn more about the issues at play and conduct necessary oversight on the administration's policies. 

To learn more and watch the full hearing, click here.