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Press Release

Committee Republicans Explore Potential Solutions to Address Forest Management, Wildland Firefighter Reforms, Wildfire Crisis

Today, the Subcommittee on Federal Lands held an oversight hearing examining the challenges facing forest management, fire suppression and wildland firefighters ahead of the 2023 wildfire year. Subcommittee Chairman Tom Tiffany (R-Wis.) issued the following statement in response:

“In the last 5 years, we have lost over 38 million acres of land to wildfire – a total area that is nearly as large as my home state of Wisconsin. If Congress does not act quickly, 2023 could produce yet another devastating wildfire year. That’s why the Federal Lands Subcommittee understands that active forest management must be restored to protect property, firefighters, and communities across the West.”


Wildfires have had catastrophic consequences for America's forests and have grown stronger and more devastating in recent years. Decades of inadequate forest management have created an unprecedented forest health crisis, and without significant change, wildfires will continue to decimate America's forests, threaten lives and communities, endanger wildland firefighters and pollute our air and water.

Despite billions of dollars in new funding, the cost and complexity of environmental laws and attacks from frivolous litigants continually handcuff federal land managers. Wildland firefighters face a multitude of challenges, including increasingly unwinnable on-the-ground conditions.

Committee Republicans are committed to providing innovative solutions that improve fire suppression policies, increase the pace and scale of forest management and address the significant issues facing our wildland firefighting workforce.

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