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Press Release

Republicans Promote Conservation With a Purpose

Today, the Subcommittee on Federal Lands held an oversight hearing on promoting conservation with a purpose across America's federal lands and forests. Subcommittee Chairman Tom Tiffany (R-Wis.) issued the following statement in response:

“Our federal lands are facing unprecedented crises that have been exacerbated by the Biden administration and radical environmental groups. They’ve locked up vast swaths of land under restrictive land designations, shut down active management and responsible resource development through burdensome regulations, and when all else fails, filed frivolous lawsuits. The Federal Lands Subcommittee and our new House Republican majority are committed to reversing these disastrous policies by supporting land management practices that restore scientifically sound management, remove arbitrary barriers blocking access to our federal lands and forests, and empower local communities to coordinate on management efforts. We owe it to the American people to support land management practices that restore multiple use and maximum benefit back to its rightful owners.”


Federal land management agencies are facing significant challenges, including unhealthy and overgrown forests, a historically devastating wildfire crisis, crumbling infrastructure, growing maintenance backlogs and declining access and recreation opportunities. Preservationist policies that lock up resources further contribute to rural economic decline. Today's hearing highlighted various state, local and tribal perspectives which bring new solutions to these growing problems. 

When managed correctly under the principles of conservation, federal lands can balance multiple uses and meet the needs of all American people. This mission requires local buy-in and collaboration to create lasting and successful public land management policies. Pursuing conservation with a purpose will lead to more resilient communities, greater access to our nation’s resources and better environmental outcomes for all.

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