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Press Release

What They Are Saying: The Trillion Trees Act

  • NFPL Subcommittee

This week, more than 75 bipartisan members of the U.S. House of Representatives introduced the Trillion Trees Act.

"Trees are a magical gift to America’s landscape. Our ships, rail lines, and early air and autos came of age from the wood of our trees. They built our housing for generations, and educated vast populations of students with the simple #2 pencil. They are a form of American art, beauty, and character. Now, the Trillion Tree goal by 2030 is again going to grace our continent. The Trillion Tree program is designed to be one of beauty as well as infrastructure for tomorrow’s America. The relining of our land and cities with majestic trees in years to come will enable them to stroke the sky again and act as a shield and carbon cover for earth.  We truly cannot do without their protection. Beyond helping our air, vast numbers of trees will help guard the populations of earth from the elements. From trees and forests, our soul recovers. They husband our individual and collective national spirit as a people. Our gratitude for trees is one reason of many to salute earth again, and feel the heavens as well.

And, of many to be thanked, Representative Westermann, our lone forester in Congress, is to be especially commended for his leadership of this exceptional initiative for our nation." – Chandler Van Voorhis, ACRE Investment Management

"Forestry is an essential part of the climate change solution. The Trillion Trees Act provides innovative new policies and targeted investments in forest management, reforestation, and technology to help reverse the trend of carbon-emitting catastrophic wildfires, high tree mortality and forest conversion. It also strengthens collaborative partnerships to accelerate active management on federal forests, which will improve the ability of public lands to sequester carbon. The Trillion Trees Act also recognizes the potential of climate-friendly wood products that will be used to build the communities and cities of tomorrow and will be key to our low-carbon future. This bipartisan bill should be the first priority on the Congress’ conservation agenda." - Travis Joseph, president and CEO, American Forest Resource Council


"Sustainable forestry is a core value among AF&PA members. Demand for renewable forest products means continued demand for wood fiber, which encourages forest landowners to grow and replant trees, ensuring that forests remain forests. Importantly, American forests are strong. One-third of the U.S. is forested and there are 20 percent more trees than there were nearly 50 years ago, totaling 766 million acres. Efforts to plant even more trees are important to the circular economy. U.S. forest products manufacturers take unprecedented steps to promote and implement sustainable forest management best practices. By requiring wood fiber needs must be sustainably sourced, our members are investing in the future of forests and ensuring they will be plentiful for future generations. We look forward to working with Rep. Westerman to support this important piece of legislation, as we all share the goals of contributing to the resilience of rural communities and our environment." - Heidi Brock, president and CEO, American Forest & Paper Association


"AWC applauds Congressman Westerman’s continued efforts to expand markets for wood products. His home state of Arkansas is the perfect example of demand driving supply. Walmart announced it would build a new headquarters using mass timber, and then a new manufacturing facility was announced in the state to produce the mass timber using local trees." - Jackson Morrill, president and CEO, American Wood Council


"There is no better friend to forestry, whether private or public, than Rep. Bruce Westerman. The Arkansas Forestry Association, which advocates on behalf of the entire timber and forest products sector in his home state, is very pleased that The Trillion Tree Act is being reintroduced and will play a critical role in promoting forestry as a natural climate solution. We all appreciate healthy, working forests and can trust that Rep. Westerman will use his expertise as the only professional forester in the House of Representatives, to implement policy that is truly a win-win for forest health, robust markets, climate change and so much more. We look forward to working with Rep. Westerman and urge a bi-partisan coalition of his colleagues to support his bill." - Max Braswell, executive vice president, Arkansas Forestry Association


"The Trillion Trees Act is a great step in conserving and restoring our nation’s forests and those around the globe. We commend Congressman Westerman for its introduction and are glad to see robust congressional support for innovative policies that advance conservation and ecological restoration while bolstering rural economies. The bill would provide both climate and economic forest benefits and we look forward to working with both sides of the aisle to move this bill forward." - Bipartisan Policy Center Action


"The Boone and Crockett Club supports Congressman Bruce Westerman’s Trillion Trees Act because the bipartisan bill supports forest restoration projects that will be critical in addressing the impacts of a changing climate. The Trillion Trees Act provides funding to promote urban and rural reforestation, prioritizes work where forests can store more carbon, and accelerates projects that restore National Forests at high risk of wildfires. The Boone and Crockett Club thanks Congressman Westerman and Congressman Kurt Schraeder for their leadership on this critical issue and looks forward to working with them to advance this important legislation in Congress." - Jim Arnold, president, Boone and Crockett Club


"CRES has been an advocate for The Trillion Trees Act since day one because it is a great model for why conservative principles make an ideal foundation for the United States’ environmental policy. This bipartisan legislation invites the entire world to actively participate, encourages homegrown jobs, benefits the environment, supports our economy, and establishes a strong connection of stewardship between Americans and our environment. CRES appreciates the leadership of U.S. Reps. Bruce Westerman (R-AR) and Kurt Schrader (D-OR), for carrying the torch on this commonsense, resourceful legislation to naturally collect and sequester America’s carbon emissions." - Heather Reams, executive director, Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions


"Having seen wildfires burn more than 5370,000 acres of the Colville Reservation since 2015, the Colville Tribes knows firsthand the enormous need to replant trees and regenerate forests. The Trillion Trees Act would provide new tools to encourage state, local, and tribal governments to work together to replant these areas. The Act would also establish a demonstration program for biochar and extend the Tribal biomass program, both of which are areas of interest to the Colville Tribes." - Rodney Cawston, chairman, Colville Business Council


"As the only trained forester in Congress, Rep. Westerman’s leadership on forest policy is critically important as we seek solutions to our most pressing conservation challenges through proposals such as the Trillion Trees Act. As Vice-Chair of the Congressional Sportsmen’s Caucus, we also applaud the Congressman for his recognition that healthy forests, abundant fish and wildlife, a viable forest products industry, and quality hunting and fishing opportunities go hand-in-hand." - Jeff Crane, president, Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation


"The Trillion Trees Act is a natural, cost-effective way to reduce carbon dioxide, as well as to promote biodiversity and help to end deforestation at home and abroad. We applaud Representative Westerman for his leadership on this bill as well as many other important issues." - Jeff Kupfer, president, ConservAmerica


"Combatting climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our time, and we applaud Congressman Westerman for his continued efforts to leverage natural climate solutions that protect both our environment and serve as an economic driver. Sustainable forestry has a critical role to play in an all-in climate strategy and the Trillion Trees Act is a meaningful step in that direction." John Keppler, CEO, Enviva


"America’s forests are an incredible gift from God. Just as Scripture calls us to work and care for the garden, we must also take good care of the resources entrusted to us. For this reason, we applaud Ranking Member Westerman for introducing the Trillion Trees Act. This bill paves the way for better stewardship of our forests - from public to private, to urban, rural, and international - by enabling much-needed regeneration of our forests, boosting resources to expand urban forests, and making carbon storage a priority in our national forestry activities as a natural solution to climate change. We look forward to working with Ranking Member Westerman and his cosponsors to ensure God’s creation is protected and preserved for generations to come." - Dr. Jessica Moerman, senior director for science and policy, Evangelical Environmental Network


"FFRC appreciates the efforts of Ranking Member Bruce Westerman to focus national policy on reforestation and the climate benefits of forest management. The Trillion Trees Act recognizes that reforestation, forest management, and the sustainable use of wood products can significantly reduce the amount of carbon in the atmosphere. Crucially, it also recognizes the need to reduce the hazardous fuel loads in our National Forests, which lead to catastrophic wildfires and additional carbon emissions. We look forward to working with Ranking Member Westerman to advance this important bill." – Tom Schultz, president, Federal Forest Resource Coalition


"The Forest Resources Association would like to thank Congressman Westerman for his efforts to promote trees and forest management as a solution for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. The legislation’s climate-smart strategies recognize that healthy well-managed forests act like sponges to absorb carbon from the atmosphere and that products made from trees continue to store carbon for generations. As an association whose members represent the entire forestry and forest products supply chain, we fully endorse the bill’s incentives to establish new forest-based products, plant more trees, and grow more wood." - Deb Hawkinson, president, Forest Resources Association


"Not only is the Trillion Trees Act an important step towards recognizing the valuable contributions our public and private forest systems make to carbon sequestration; it is also an essential recognition of the significant long-term carbon storage benefits resulting from the vast array of wood products made from the sustainably harvested timber that comes from U.S. working forests." - Dana Cole, executive director, the Hardwood Federation


"The time is now to address the severe wildfires, insect infestations and diseases that are turning our national forests into carbon sources. Healthy Forests, Healthy Communities supports the Trillion Trees Act because it offers effective solutions for reducing carbon emissions, improving the health and resiliency of our forests, and promoting the utilization of wood products that store carbon for life and require less energy to produce. The Trillion Trees Act also provides new tools and resources to improve the management of our federally owned forests and it significantly increases nursery capacity to support needed reforestation efforts. We urge Congress to pass this legislation without delay." - Healthy Forests, Healthy Communities


"If we are going to talk seriously about reducing atmospheric carbon inputs from National Forests, the conversation must take aim at recovering burned areas while actively working to reduce hazardous fuels that contribute to large, severe wildfires.  The Trillion Trees Act looks to take action on both those components of the discussion, and we look forward to continued work to improve the health of our National Forests." - Ben Wudtke, executive director, Intermountain Forest Association


"The U.S. has a long history of global conservation leadership that improves lives in the developing world. The introduction of the Trillion Trees Act continues that tradition by providing the basis for a foundational structure for extraordinary progress in terms of trees for water, people, agriculture, industry, biodiversity, and demonstrable carbon offsets." - David Barron, chairman, the International Conservation Caucus Foundation 


"The Mule Deer Foundation Is pleased to see the introduction of the Trillion Trees Act. Reforestation and ensuring that our nations forests are managed in a healthy, sustainable manner are key components to mitigating the impacts of climate change. This bill will incentivize more forest management and ensure funding to advance existing efforts and new solutions. We appreciate Congressman Westerman's leadership and dedication to improving the health of our nation's forests, and look forward to working with him and the co-sponsors to advance this legislation." - Joel Pedersen, president and CEO, Mule Deer Foundation


"The Mississippi River Trust supports Congressman Bruce Westerman’s Trillion Trees Act because the bill supports forest restoration projects that will be critical in addressing the impacts of climate change. The Trillion Trees Act provides funding to promote urban and rural reforestation, prioritizes work where forests can store more carbon, and accelerates projects that restore National Forests at high risk of wildfires, especially in the West. We are also very pleased for what the bill can do to improve forests right here at home, such as the Ozark and Ouachita National Forests."James L. Cummins, president, the Mississippi River Trust


"We thank Ranking Member Westerman and the bipartisan cosponsors for their efforts to advance forests and forest products as natural climate solutions. Private working forests provide ninety percent of our wood and fiber for forest products while also accounting for seventy-five percent of the net annual carbon sequestration from all U.S. forests. This powerful combination underscores the need for smart climate solutions that use the power of markets to promote investments in private working forests and wood utilization based on the best available science and data. The Trillion Trees Act takes some important steps in that direction. We look forward to working with Ranking Member Westerman and his colleagues to harness the full carbon mitigation potential of private working forests and wood products." - National Alliance of Forest Owners


"The increased severity of wildfires and longer fire seasons are leading to greater greenhouse gas emissions, damaged landscapes, and growing threats to property, lives and livelihoods in our counties. The Trillion Trees Act would improve environmental health and our nation’s sapling supplies. By permanently reauthorizing and enhancing Good Neighbor Authority, this bill will cut red tape and expedite critical forest health projects within the wildland-urban interface and in environmentally sensitive areas. Counties applaud Congressman Westerman for introducing this legislation and urge Congress to pass it as soon as possible." - Matthew Chase, executive director, National Association of Counties


"The National Association of State Foresters (NASF) applauds Representative Bruce Westerman’s (R-Ark.) reintroduction of the Trillion Trees Act and its recognition of forests and forest markets as environmental and economic solutions. Healthy forests not only built America, they are our best natural strategy for overcoming future challenges. But to have healthy forests, we need healthy markets. Forests, balanced forest management, and forest markets should be included in any proposed climate change solution." - Joe Fox, president, National Association of State Foresters


"Reforestation is an essential element of any climate plan, which is why it’s only fitting that Congress’ only trained forester is focused on how our nation’s forests can naturally sequester carbon while supporting healthy watersheds, wildlife, and local communities that rely upon them. We’re grateful to Congressman Westerman for introducing the Trillion Trees Act and we look forward to working with him to strengthen the bill as it advances." - Collin O’Mara, president and CEO, National Wildlife Federation


"The National Wild Turkey Federation supports the ambition of the Trillion Trees Act of 2021 as an important step toward ensuring the future health and biodiversity of the United States and around the globe. With many of our nation’s forests in poor condition due to decades of neglect, the growing risk of tree diseases, insects, drought and wildfire increases with each passing season. The Trillion Trees Act of 2021 will help to establish a means to restore forests to a resilient and healthy state and remediate those that have been damaged in catastrophic events of recent years." - Becky Humphries, CEO, National Wild Turkey Federation

"For P&G and Charmin, we want everyone to enjoy the go, but in a way that keeps forests as forests for generations to come. It’s why we regrow at least two trees for every one we use and why 100% of our paper comes from responsibly managed forests. We’re committed to investing in the future of forests and pleased to work with Congressman Westerman to support The Trillion Trees Act."Tonia Elrod, senior director, Procter & Gamble


"Addressing wildfire risk and managing healthy forest ecosystems are two of today's greatest conservation challenges. Good Neighbor Authority is a powerful tool that brings together the Forest Service, states, counties, and tribes to work together on forest restoration and wildfire risk reduction. PERC appreciates Congressman Westerman taking this important step forward and including the permanent reauthorization and improvement of Good Neighbor Authority in the Trillion Trees Act." - Brian Yablonski, CEO, the Property and Environment Research Center


"The time is ripe to embrace forest management and forest products as powerful climate solutions and strong drivers of economic growth for communities of all sizes. With science-based, professional management, we can maximize the power of our nation’s forests to sequester and store carbon – all while improving our air and water, creating wildlife habitat, offering recreation opportunities, and producing climate-friendly forest products. As the only forester in Congress, Representative Westerman understands the science of keeping our forests healthy and thriving for generations to come. SAF is proud to support the Trillion Trees Act and hopes it can empower and inspire current and future forestry professionals." - Terry Baker, CEO, Society of American Foresters


"The Southeastern Lumber Manufacturers Association applauds Congressman Westerman’s Trillion Trees Act. The legislation recognizes that the best available carbon capture and sequestration technology is sustainably managed forests and forest products. We look forward to working with Congressman Westerman to ensure that the environmental attributes of forests and forest products are included in environmental legislation considered by Congress." - Bryan Smalley, president, Southeastern Lumber Manufacturers Association


"The U.S. Biochar Initiative would like to thank Congressman Westerman for including biochar in this bill. Our forests are valuable sources of fiber, forage, clean water, recreation, and clean air for rural communities. Biochar can be a tool to reduce the cost of restoring and improving our forests. Biochar will help us improve the economic viability, environmental impact, and overall effectiveness of removing and repurposing forest biomass in order to reduce wildfire risk and restore forest and watershed health. We look forward to working with Rep. Westerman on this bill to demonstrate that biochar is a scalable and shovel ready carbon removal technology that will help us restore our forests, and achieve our carbon goals." - Tom Miles, executive director, United States Biochar Initiative


"Nature-based solutions are an important part of achieving our nation’s ambitious climate goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions as fast as we can as low as we can. We need every tool in our climate toolbox. The U.S. Chamber is pleased to support Rep. Westerman’s Trillion Trees Act that depends on private sector leadership to address deforestation, promote better land management practices, and sequester carbon." - United States Chamber of Commerce


In addition to the statements above, other supporting groups include: Arkansas Farm Bureau, Binational Softwood Lumber Council, Ducks Unlimited, Intermountain Forest Association, Pheasants Forever, PotlachDeltic, Quail Forever, Rayonier, Resource Management Service, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Sierra Pacific Industries, Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership, Walmart and Wildlife Mississippi.