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Chairman Bishop, Westerman Letter to Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority

TO: Mr. Ricardo Ramos

FROM: Chairman Rob Bishop and Chariman Bruce Westerman
Dear Mr. Ramos:

On September 20, 2017, the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority (PREPA) signed an "Emergency Master Service Agreement for PREPA's Electrical Grid Reconstruction with an engineering firm. Under the contract, PREPA paid the firm 3,700,000 to begin operations in the territory. Subsequently, on October 17, 2017, PREPA and the same engineering firm enetered into an amended version of the Emergency Master Service Agreement where PREPA agreed to pay up to 300,000,000 to the firm for its service as the main contractor and supervisor in rebuilding the island's damaged electric grid. This is the largest single contract awarded for relief efforts in the wake of Hurricane Maria. Recently, the selection process in awarding this contract has drawn scrutiny from various stakeholders.

Read the entire letter HERE