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Press Release

Statement of Chairman Hastings on House and Senate Legislation to Establish a Manhattan Project National Historical Park

Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) today announced that legislation to establish a Manhattan Project National Historical Park will be proceeding in both the House and Senate. As the House of Representatives is not in session this week for a congressional district work period, the House bill will be formally introduced early next week when the House reconvenes. The House Natural Resources Committee, which Hastings chairs, will hold a Subcommittee legislative hearing on the bill on Thursday, June 28th. The hearing date has been coordinated with a Wednesday, June 27th hearing by the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, which is chaired by Senator Jeff Bingaman of New Mexico. Chairmen Hastings and Bingaman each represent one of the three Manhattan Project locations (Hanford, Washington and Los Alamos, New Mexico -- along with Oak Ridge, Tennessee) that will be included in the Historical Park.

“Over the past several months, we've worked to bridge key differences between House and Senate drafts of this legislation. Great progress has been made, and while a few differences remain, there is bipartisan bicameral agreement on the overall concept of the Park and the texts of the bills are very similar. We're now ready to move forward,” said Chairman Hastings. “With both House and Senate bills to be formally introduced and Committee hearings scheduled for late June, I am hopeful that we can get a bill signed into law this year. Anyone who has visited B Reactor knows what a technical and historical marvel it is and a Park will open the doors to many more to visit and experience this piece of our community and nation's history. There is a sincere and shared desire by Chairman Bingaman, Senators Murray and Cantwell, and our colleagues to establish the Park, and we'll continue working together with local advocates to accomplish our goal of ensuring these remarkable pieces of our history are preserved to tell the story of the Manhattan Project.”


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