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Subcommittee Chairman Young and Ranking Member Boren Joint Letter to Secretary Salazar Regarding Tribal Consultation on Hydraulic Fracturing

Dear Secretary Salazar:

It is our understanding that the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is currently drafting regulations governing the production of oil and natural gas on Federal lands, including lands managed for the benefit of Indian tribes and their members. We further understand that as part of this regulatory process, the BLM is currently undergoing formal tribal consultations on the proposed rule which would further regulate and condition the use of hydraulic fracturing on Federal and Indian lands. As Chairman and Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Indian and Alaska Native Affairs, we are committed to ensuring that tribal stakeholders with existing or potential interest in mineral development have a meaningful opportunity to be heard and, at the same time, receive from the Department of the Interior a clearly articulated demonstration of how the proposed regulations would impact their communities.

Read the entire letter HERE.