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House Committee on Natural Resources Final Recommendations to the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction Co-Chairs Hensarling and Murray

| Posted in Letters

Dear Co-Chairs Hensarling and Murray: The Natural Resources Committee is committed to addressing our Nation's record debt and deficit levels and doing its part to contribute to the Joint Select Committee's efforts to cut at least $1.5 trillion in federal govemment spending from Fiscal Year 2012 to Fiscal Year 2021. Our growing debt stands in the way of long-term job creation and our…

Local Alaskan Witnesses Highlight Job Creation, Deficit Reduction, and Economic Growth from ANWR Energy Production

| Posted in Resourceful Information

Today, during a Full Committee oversight hearing on “ANWR: Jobs, Energy and Deficit Reduction,” Members of the Committee will hear testimony from a number of local Alaskans who would be directly impacted by increased American energy production, job creation and economic growth with the opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). Below are excerpts from their testimony as they…

Chairman Hastings' Op-Ed in Roll Call: Don't Overlook Energy's Potential

| Posted in Op-Eds and Speeches

Hastings: Don’t Overlook Energy’s Potential By Rep. Doc Hastings Special to Roll Call Sept. 16, 2011, 10:12 a.m. Earlier this month, President Barack Obama spoke to a joint session of Congress about our country’s job crisis. House Republicans are ready and willing to work with the president on common-sense policies to jump-start our economy, and it’s encouraging to see the president…

Full Committee to Hold Oversight Hearing on ANWR’s Potential to Raise Revenue, Create Jobs

| Posted in Committee Action

On Wednesday, September 21st, the Natural Resources Committee will hold a Full Committee oversight hearing on “ANWR: Jobs, Energy and Deficit Reduction.” Last week, Chairman Doc Hastings announced plans to recommend increased offshore and onshore drilling – including in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) in Alaska - to the Joint Select Committee as a way to help reach their…

Chairman Hastings Offers 10 Ideas to Create New American Energy Jobs

| Posted in Press Release

In advance of President Obama’s speech, House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings delivered the following opening statement at today’s Full Committee hearing, offering 10 specific ideas to create new American energy jobs: “Later this evening, President Obama will appear before a joint session of Congress to once again give a speech on jobs and our economy. With…

Chairman Hastings: American Energy Production Presents Best Opportunity to Raise Revenue, Create Jobs

| Posted in Press Release

Speaking today at the Energy Jobs Summit hosted by The Hill and the American Petroleum Institute, House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings stated that the Committee will actively promote new opportunities for both offshore and onshore drilling, including in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) in Alaska. Hastings recommended that the Joint Committee on Deficit…

Chairman Hastings' Remarks at The Hill/American Petroleum Institute Energy Jobs Summit

| Posted in Op-Eds and Speeches

It’s impossible to turn on the TV, pick up a newspaper, or go into a local business today without hearing about jobs and government spending – or perhaps a better description would be the lack of jobs and excessive government spending. These are undoubtedly two of the biggest issues currently facing our country and are the cause of worry, anger and frustration for millions of…

Chairman Hastings' Op-Ed on FOX Nation: Joint Committee Should Look to Job-Creating American Energy, Not Tax Increases for Revenue

| Posted in Op-Eds and Speeches

Joint Committee Should Look to Job-Creating American Energy, Not Tax Increases for Revenue FOX Nation September 6, 2011 By: Chairman Doc Hastings This fall, Washington D.C. will once again attempt to tackle our Nation’s $14 trillion debt that is threatening our economic competitiveness, costing jobs and putting our children’s future at risk. While the Budget Control Act passed by…