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Representatives from 11 States Call for Extended Comment Period in Yellow-Billed Cuckoo ESA Listing & Habitat Rules

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House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) along with 17 Members of Congress sent a letter to the Director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Dan Ashe, urging the Service to extend the comment period for the proposed critical habitat designation of the western yellow-billed cuckoo. This proposed listing, driven by a 2011 court mega-settlement and not by sound…

REPORT: Worthy Memorial for President and General Eisenhower Needed; Chronic Mismanagement Plagues Process

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The House Natural Resources Committee’s Majority oversight staff released a report today entitled “A Five-Star Folly: An Investigation into the Cost Increases, Construction Delays, and Design Problems That Have Been a Disservice to the Effort to Memorialize Dwight D. Eisenhower.” The current proposal for the Memorial, created by Frank Gehry’s architecture firm, has faced intense scrutiny…

Chairman Hastings Seeks Transparency on Science, Issues Subpoena on White Bluffs Bladderpod Listing Decision

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Today, House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) issued a subpoena to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) seeking documents surrounding the process and science behind the decision to list the White Bluffs bladderpod as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act. The Committee first requested documents on March 7, 2014 and, after the FWS missed the…

Hastings: Full SRS Funding is Victory for Rural Counties that Faced Uncertainty Due to Obama Administration Political Games

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House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) issued the following statement on the announcement by the U.S. Department of Agriculture on its plans to distribute the FY 2013 Secure Rural School (SRS) payments in full. “Today’s announcement is a victory for rural counties that have been faced with uncertainty of whether they would have enough funds to pay for schools,…

Chairman Hastings Prepares to Issue Subpoena on White Bluffs Bladderpod Listing Decision

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Today, at a House Natural Resources Full Committee oversight hearing, Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) pressed U.S. Fish and Wildlife (FWS) Service Director Dan Ashe on the Department’s non-compliance with the Committee’s request for documents regarding the process and science surrounding the FWS’ decision to list the White Bluffs bladderpod as a threatened species. A letter was sent to the…

Subpoena Issued to Department of the Interior Deputy Inspector General for Unredacted Report on Stream Buffer Zone Rule

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House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) today issued a subpoena to Department of the Interior Deputy Inspector General Mary Kendall for an unredacted copy of the Office of Inspector General (IG) report on the Office of Surface Mining, Reclamation, and Enforcement’s (OSM) efforts to rewrite the 2008 Stream Buffer Zone Rule and a small number of related OIG…

Chairman Hastings' Floor Statement on H.R. 2824, the "Preventing Government Waste and Protecting Coal Mining Jobs in America Act"

| Posted in Floor Statements

House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings delivered the following statement on the House floor today in support of H.R. 2824, the Preventing Government Waste and Protecting Coal Mining Jobs in America Act. "Mr, Chairman, The Obama Administration has waged a long-running war on coal, which last year a White House advisor admitted “is exactly what’s needed.” But this is not…

Chairman Hastings Memorandum Providing Notice to Committee Members that a Subpoena was Issued to the Department of the Interior Deputy Inspector General

| Posted in Letters

March 25, 2014 TO:              Members, Committee on Natural Resources FROM:          Doc Hastings, Chairman RE:               Subpoena issued I hereby give notice that I have issued a subpoena…

Administration Continues to Withhold Information on SRS Funds

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On Friday, February 14, 2014, House Committee on Natural Resources Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) sent a letter to Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack requesting more information about the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) assertion that the department was still legally obligated to recover the sequestered FY 2012 SRS payments that were already paid out to states and is considering…