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Natural Resources Committee Republicans Examine Economic and Environmental Recovery at Gulf of Mexico Field Hearing

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Today, the House Natural Resources Committee held a field hearing in Houma, LA entitled “Gulf of Mexico: A Focus on Community Recovery and New Response Technology. At the hearing, Members heard first hand from local citizens and businesses about the status of recovery efforts, the impacts of the Administration’s de facto moratorium and the deployment of new technology to improve the…

Chairman Hastings: In Addition to Saving Taxpayers Billions, CR will Keep Public Lands Open and Strengthen Offshore Drilling Safety

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House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) released the following statement today regarding passage of H.R. 1473, the Continuing Resolution that funds the federal government through FY2011 and cuts spending by nearly $40 billion: “This bill is the first step in getting our Nation’s fiscal house in order and sends a strong signal to the American people that Congress…

Local Residents Stress Need for Congressional Action to Address California's Man-Made Drought

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Today, the House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Water and Power held a field hearing in Fresno, CA on “Creating Jobs by Overcoming Man-Made Drought: Time for Congress to Listen and Act.” At the hearing, Members heard first-hand from local individuals and groups who have been directly impacted by the deliberate diversions of over 300 billion gallons of water from San Joaquin Valley…

Water and Power Subcommittee Examines Federal Regulations that Cost Jobs and Raise Energy Prices

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The Subcommittee on Water and Power held an oversight hearing to examine the federal regulations that are blocking job growth and abundant water and power supplies. Attention was also given to potential future regulatory obstacles to water deliveries and hydropower generation that will further compound economic hardships in rural communities. “For many years, the central objective of our…

Committee Investigation: Hastings & Lamborn Request Documents on Administration’s Proposed Rewrite of Mining Rule

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House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) and Energy and Minerals Subcommittee Chairman Doug Lamborn (CO-05) continued an investigation into the Office of Surface Mining’s rewrite of a coal mining rule by sending a letter today to Interior Department Secretary Ken Salazar requesting documents and information regarding the Administration’s proposed rule rewrite and…

Reps. Hastings and Lamborn Letter to Secretary Salazar on the Rewrite of the 2008 Steam Buffer Zone Rule

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Dear Secretary Salazar: The Committee on Natural Resources (Committee) is actively investigating issues surrounding the Department of the Interior's Office of Surface Mining, Reclamation and Enforcement (OSM) rewrite of the 2008 Stream Buffer Zone Rule (Rule). Through this letter, we request information and cooperation regarding communication between the Department of the Interior (DOl)…

Chairman Hastings: Increasing American Energy Production Will Decrease Foreign Imports, Create American Jobs

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House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) issued the following statement regarding President Obama’s energy address: “The President today announced a goal to cut U.S. oil imports by one-third. I share that goal and believe it’s crucial to our national security. In fact, just yesterday I introduced legislation that would achieve a one-third decline in oil imports by…

Chairman Hastings on DOI Report: Invented Definition Allows the Administration to Mischaracterize Two-Thirds of the Gulf as Inactive

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At today’s Full Committee hearing with Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement (BOEMRE) Director Michael Bromwich, Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) delivered the following remarks on the Department of the Interior’s report produced yesterday, at the request of the President, on the status of U.S. energy leases. In the report, DOI invents new…

President Asks for Report on “Use it or Lose it,” Interior Department Concocts Definitions to Grab Headlines

| Posted in Resourceful Information

In a press conference earlier this month to deflect criticism on rising gasoline prices, President Obama asked the Department of the Interior (DOI) to produce a report on the status of U.S. energy leases. DOI yesterday produced that report, which invents new definitions in order to generate headlines that two-thirds of offshore leases are “inactive” – a claim that President Obama will…

Chairman Hastings Introduces Three Bills to Increase Offshore American Energy Production, Create American Jobs

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As part of House Republicans’ American Energy Initiative, Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) today introduced three separate bills to expand offshore energy production in order to create jobs, lower energy costs, generate revenue to help pay down the national debt, and improve national security by lessening our dependence on foreign energy. Chairman Hastings is…