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Hearing Highlights Importance of Alaska Energy Production to U.S., Critical Infrastructure Development

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Today, the Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources held an oversight hearing on “Domestic and Natural Gas: Alaskan Resources, Access and Infrastructure,” and heard witness testimony on the abundant energy resources available in Alaska and roadblocks by the Obama Administration that are preventing the production of resources and development of critical infrastructure. “America might…

Bloomberg: House Republicans Press for Faster Action on Renewable Energy

| Posted in In Case You Missed It

House Republicans Press for Faster Action on Renewable Energy June 1, 2011 Bloomberg Jim Snyder U.S. House Republicans, who have sought to expedite offshore oil- and gas-drilling permits, pressed the Obama administration to act faster on renewable energy projects. Federal hurdles are slowing growth of solar and wind companies, industry executives said today at a House Natural…

Chairman Hastings’ Statement on Sec. Salazar ‘Wild Lands’ Memo to Bureau of Land Management Director Abbey

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House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) released the following statement after Department of the Interior (DOI) Secretary Ken Salazar issued a memorandum to Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Directory Bob Abbey on his decision to not implement DOI’s Wild Lands policy: “It’s welcome news that the Interior Department will follow the law. After this positive initial…

Witnesses Urge Increased American Energy Production to Combat Effects of High Gasoline Prices on Seniors, Working Families, Memorial Day Travel

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Today, the House Natural Resources Committee held the third hearing in a series examining how to harness American resources to create jobs and address rising gasoline prices. Memorial Day unofficially marks the start of summer vacation season. However, witnesses at the hearing testified to the fact that high gasoline prices are disproportionately affecting seniors, working families and…

A Closer Look at President Obama’s Baby Steps on U.S. Drilling

| Posted in Resourceful Information

With 69 percent of Americans supporting increased offshore drilling, it’s no surprise that President Obama recently shifted positions in his weekly address and is now embracing increased oil and natural gas production as an answer to rising gasoline prices. While the President’s announcement generated headlines, a closer examination of the actual proposals shows that it’s big on hype and…

Regulatory Uncertainty, Permitting Delays Stifle Renewable Energy Development

| Posted in Press Release

As part of House Republicans’ American Energy Initiative, the House Natural Resources Committee today held the first in a series of oversight hearings on “Identifying Roadblocks to Wind and Solar Energy on Public Lands and Waters.” House Republicans are committed to advancing an all-of-the-above energy approach, which includes renewable energy, in order to create jobs, lower energy costs…

Litigation and Regulation Threatens Hydropower, Costs Jobs and Increases Electricity Rates

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Continuing House Republicans’ efforts to advance the American Energy Initiative, the House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Water and Power held an oversight hearing today on “Protecting the Federal Hydropower Investment: A Stakeholder’s Perspective.” At the hearing, Members examined the challenges facing hydropower generation and stressed the need for increased hydropower as part of an…

Chairmen Hastings and Lamborn Letter to Acting Inspector General Mary Kendall Requesting More Information and Documents Pertaining to the 6-month Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Drilling Moratorium

| Posted in Letters

Dear Ms. Kendall: On July 20, 2010, we requested the Office of Inspector General to conduct an investigation into whether senior officials of the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), in an effort to help justify their decision to impose a 6-month moratorium on deepwater drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, misrepresented that the moratorium was reviewed and supported by a group of…

Chairmen Hastings and Lamborn Letter to Secretary Salazar Requesting Information and Documents Pertaining to the 6-month Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Drilling Moratorium

| Posted in Letters

Dear Secretary Salazar: On July 20, 2010, we requested the Office of Inspector General to conduct an investigation into whether senior officials of the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), in an effort to help justify their decision to impose a 6-month moratorium on deepwater drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, misrepresented that the moratorium was reviewed and supported by a group of…

Natural Resources Committee to Hold Full Committee Hearing on Roadblocks to Solar and Wind Production on Public Lands

| Posted in Committee Action

On Wednesday, May 11th the House Natural Resources Committee will hold a Full Committee oversight hearing on “American Energy Initiative: Identifying Roadblocks to Wind and Solar Energy on Public Lands and Waters.” “House Republicans’ American Energy Initiative is an effort to increase all types of American energy production – including renewable energy,” said Chairman Doc Hastings. “Wind…