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Missing the Forests for the Trees

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Yesterday’s Wall Street Journal had an interesting article titled, “Aspen Trees Die Across the West” which notes that “perhaps a combination of factors -- is killing hundreds of thousands of acres of the trees from Nevada, New Mexico and Arizona through Utah, Colorado, Wyoming and into Canada, according to the U.S. government and independent scientists.” One of the factors noted is that…

Natural Resources Committee Members Highlight American Energy Freedom Day

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On October 1, 2008 Congress lifted the decades long ban on offshore drilling on the U.S. Outer Contented Shelf (OCS). Unfortunately, one year later, Americans are still waiting for expanded oil and gas production.   Republicans on the House Natural Resources Committee marked today’s anniversary by calling on the Obama Administration to end its defacto ban on offshore drilling and create…

Sen. Coburn Offers Amendment Ensuring DOI Funds Do Not Restrict Border Security

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This morning, Senator Coburn introduced an amendment to the 2010 fiscal year Interior Appropriations bill that would ensure no funds are used to prohibit or restrict Homeland Security from securing our nation’s borders on public lands. 40 percent of America's southern border is on Department of Interior land and Republicans in the House have raised concerns that it is currently serving…

Grand Junction Sentinel Editorial on Democrats' Roadblock to Energy Bill (H.R. 3534)

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This week, the Grand Junction Sentinel published an editorial highlighting the negative impacts of the Democrats' Roadblock to Energy Bill H.R. 3534. The bill intended to streamline oil and gas leasing on federal lands creates a new level of bureaucracy and as the article says, "The legislation will make oil and gas leasing more costly to obtain and more difficult. That certainly won’t…

Sean Hannity's Visit to California's Man-Made Drought

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FOX News' Sean Hannity broadcast his show live last night from the San Joaquin Valley, site of California's man-made drought. Hannity was joined by members of Congress, celebrities, Gov. Schwarzenegger, and thousands of struggling farmers.   This crisis will soon affect all Americans because the valley produces a massive amount of our country’s food supply. However, Democrats in…

Drilling Double Standard?

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Vice President Biden is in Iraq – where he recently urged “Iraq to offer more generous terms at its next auction for oil concessions in the oil-rich country.” As one Senior American official noted “even one other deal would mean 50 to 60 billion dollars in additional investment in Iraq, 600 million dollars in additional annual revenue, and tens of thousands of additional jobs.” Does…

Rep. Adrian Smith Opposes Proposed Energy Roadblocks

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Congressman Adrian Smith (R-NE), a member of the House Natural Resources Committee, today expressed his serious concerns with the Democrats' Roadblock to Energy bill (H.R. 3534) on the House Floor. He said, "This bill creates new levels of bureaucracy, which inevitably will slow new development of American sources of energy." "More roadblocks to energy development, means less energy for…

Boehner Statement on Rahall Anti-Energy Bill

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Check out Minority Leader John Boehner’s remarks on Chairman Rahall’s Energy Roadblock Bill: “Middle-class families and small businesses are struggling and our economy is shedding jobs, yet Democrats continue to push job-killing legislation that would hamstring environmentally-safe energy production and undermine job creation. Instead of pursuing an ‘all-of-the-above’ strategy to…

Sean Hannity to Broadcast Live from the Site of California's Man-Made Drought

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The fight to end to the man-made California drought and bring water back to the San Joaquin Valley will continue this Thursday as Sean Hannity of FOX News is set to broadcast from a fallowed field on the Westside of Fresno County. Just last year, before the Bureau of Reclamation cut off the water, the San Joaquin Valley was ripe with fruits and vegetables.   Now it sits…

Administration Sends Forest Fire Money to Washington D.C. – Where There Are No Forests!

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In today’s Washington Times, Stephen Dinan reports that the U.S. Forest Service will spend $2.8 million in forest-fire-fighting money in Washington D.C. – a city with no national forests. Click here to read the article: Forest Fire Funds Aid D.C. Festivals As the West continues to battle catastrophic wildfires that have taken lives, homes and businesses, it is outrageous that the Forest…