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Meet our Member: Congressman Kevin Cramer (ND At-Large)

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Representing the At-Large district of North Dakota, Congressman Kevin Cramer hails from a state with a vast range of natural resources. Did you know North Dakota is the second largest oil producing state in the country, just behind Texas? Congressman Cramer discusses the oil-rich Bakken region while also highlighting the state's high standards of clean air and water. Check out…

Breakfast Links

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The Natural Resources Morning News Round-up:  The Hill – Julian Hattem: “House GOP: Obama regs slowing oil-and-gas development” Oil and Gas Journal – Nick Snow: “States best qualified to regulate oil, gas, House panel told” Associated Press – Julie Carr Smyth: “Official testifies on Ohio fracking oversight” Gloucester…

Utah Lt. Governor Discuss Economic Impacts of Potential Sage Grouse ESA Listing

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At a Full Committee hearing today on energy production on state versus federal lands, Utah Lt. Governor Greg Bell took a moment during his testimony to discuss the potential economic impacts of the sage-grouse being listed under the Endangered Species Act. He notes how states have effectively worked together with federal and environmental groups to create plans to protect the sage…

VIDEO: Chairman Hastings' Opening Statement at Full Committee Hearing

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Today the House Natural Resources Committee held a Full Committee oversight hearing to examine the difference in energy production and permitting on federal lands versus state and private lands. While energy production on state and federal lands is flourishing, regulatory red tape and bureaucratic hurdles imposed by the Obama Administration are hindering energy production on federal…

Breakfast Links

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The Natural Resources Morning News Round-up:  Washington Post – Juliet Eilperin: “White House finalizes national ocean policy” Fairfield Sun Times: “Daines Co-Sponsors Legislation To Restore Active Forest Management, Help Schools & Counties” Associated Press: “North Dakota February oil production sets record” …

Breakfast Links

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The Natural Resources Morning News Round-up:  Arizona Republic OpEd by Rep. Paul Gosar: “Wildfire policy must shift from reactive to proactive” Salt Lake Tribune – Thomas Burr: “Bishop seeks grand bargain on public lands” The Hill – Ben Geman: “New Interior chief takes to Twitter” Associated Press: “Saving endangered…

VIDEO: Fox News Piece on SRS and Forest Management

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Last week at a Subcommittee on Public Lands and Environmental Regulation hearing, Republican Members stressed the need for the U.S. Forest Service to resume active forest management and discussed several proposals to improve forest health. A lack of forest management has deprived rural counties of revenue needed to fund schools, emergency services and infrastructure projects; caused a…

Breakfast Links

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The Natural Resources Morning News Round-up: Los Angeles Times – Phil Willon: “Joshua Tree targeted by graffiti vandals using social media” The Philadelphia Inquirer – Sandy Bauers: "White-nose syndrome that kills bats continues to spread” Kansas City Star: “Will Obama establish 'Idaho's Yellowstone' as a national…

Meet our Members: Congressman Markwayne Mullin (OK-02)

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As a Cherokee himself, Rep. Mullin is proud to represent the district with the largest Native American population in the country. Congressman Mullin discusses the wide array of natural resources issues in his district, and how he looks forward to helping the people of his district gain access to those resources in our newest Meet our Members video. Also, be sure to follow…