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ICYMI: A Tale of Two Oil States

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"Another contrast is that most Texas oil is on private lands, which owners are willing to lease at a price. In California much of the oil-rich areas are state or federally owned, and leasing doesn't happen because of political constraints. In California it can take weeks or even months to get approval for an oil rig. The average in Texas? Four days." Editorial: A Tale of Two Oil…

Breakfast Links

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The Natural Resources Morning News Round-up: Politico – Jake Sherman: “Democrats Peter DeFazio, Raul Grijalva vie for Ed Markey’s Natural Resources Committee post” Fuel Fix – Jennifer A. Dlouhy: “New Interior secretary makes first offshore rig visit” The Hill – Zack Colman: “House to vote on Keystone XL bill in May” Associated…

Increased American Energy Production Helps Boost US Job Numbers

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Today’s report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics confirmed that U.S. energy production is a job creator.  Employment in oil and natural gas production rose 4.3% in the last year. This can largely be attributed to new energy production on state and private lands, which are significantly out producing federally permitted lands, as noted by the Congressional Research…

Breakfast Links

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The Natural Resources Morning News Round-up: Energy Guardian – Edward Felker: “API calls on Jewell to make fracking reg deals with states” Associated Press – Jonathan Fahey: “Oil drilling technology leaps, clean energy lags” Los Angeles Times – Anthony York: “Assembly approves off-reservation tribal casino” Indian Country…

Breakfast Links

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The Natural Resources Morning News Round-up: Washington Examiner – Sean Higgins: “Feds triple estimates for recoverable natural gas in plains states” Fox News: “Park Service creating new monuments, landmarks despite sequester cutbacks” E&E - Phil Taylor: “Alaska refuses to repay Secure Rural Schools money” ABC – Alan…

Developing Right Now: America has even MORE energy reserves than expected

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Yesterday, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) released its updated assessment of America’s oil and natural gas resources in the Bakken and Three Forks formations. The new assessment shows that the United States has double the amount of oil and triple the amount of natural gas than previously thought. The new information comes from a survey of data on two shale formations that run…

Breakfast Links

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The Natural Resources Morning News Round-up: Energy Guardian – Edward Felker: “House GOP to highlight support for fracking, nat gas exports” Fuel Fix – Jennifer A. Dlouhy: “Feds set to unveil hydraulic fracturing rule within weeks” National Journal – Amy Harder: “The U.S. Has Much, Much More Gas and Oil Than We Thought” …

Meet our Members: Rep. Cynthia Lummis (WY At-Large)

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Cynthia Lummis returns to the Natural Resources Committee representing the At-Large district of Wyoming, the ninth largest state in the US. Did you know Representative Lummis grew up on a ranch? Check out the video to learn more about Representative Lummis and her take on Wyoming's abundant natural resources in the state of "high altitudes, low multitudes, and great…

ICYMI: Fracking Rules Coming in Weeks

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Today, The Hill newspaper published an article on the Interior Secretary Sally Jewell’s proposed federal rules on hydraulic fracturing (fracking). In this article, Secretary Jewell states that it will be a matter of weeks not months before new federal rules on fracking will be released. Since November of 2010 when the Obama administration mentioned possible new federal regulation of…

Breakfast Links

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The Natural Resources Morning News Round-up: New York Times – John M. Broder: “New Interior Chief Savors a Steep Learning Curve” Oak Ridger – Donna Smith: “Manhattan Project Park bill moves on” Greenwire – Phil Taylor: “New House bill would allow Va. leasing, share revenues with states” The Hill – Julian Hattem:…