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Chairman Hastings Memorandum to Committee Members Recalling Several Bills

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To: Members, Committee on Natural Resources From: The Honorable Doc Hastings, Chairman Subject: Recall of bills Pursuant to Committee on Natural Resources Rule 6(e), I hereby give notice of my intent to recall the listed bills from the following Subcommittees: Read the entire memorandum HERE.

Chairman Hastings Letter to Secretary Salazar Reiterating Request for Full Compliance with the Committee's Investigation into the 6-month Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Drilling Moratorium

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Dear Mr. Secretary: The Committee is in receipt of the August I, 20 II letter from the Department of the Interior's (DOI) Office of Congressional and Legislative Affairs relating to the status of several formal document and information requests the Committee has made to the DOI and its bureaus during the 112th Congress. Although the August 1st letter discusses the requests collectively,…

Chairmen Hastings and Lamborn Letter to Secretary Salazar Reiterating Request for Full Compliance with the Committee's Investigation into the Rewrite of the 2008 Stream Buffer Zone Rule

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Dear Mr. Secretary: The Committee is in receipt of the August 1, 2011 letter from the Department of the Interior's (DOI) Office of Congressional and Legislative Affairs relating to the status of several formal document and information requests the Committee has made to DOI and its bureaus during the 112th Congress. Although the August 1st letter discusses the requests collectively,…

Chairmen Hastings and Lamborn Follow-up Letter to Acting Inspector General Mary Kendall Regarding Requested Documents on the 6-month Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Drilling Moratorium

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Dear Ms. Kendall: On April 25, 2011, we requested the underlying documents, drafts and communications reviewed by the Office of Inspector General (OlG) in reaching its conclusion and issuing its Report of Investigation - Federal Moratorium on Deepwater Drilling Case No. PI-PI-I 0-0562-1. Specifically, we requested the following items: Any and all documents, referring, relating, or…

Department of the Interior Office of Congressional and Legislative Affairs Director Christopher Mansour Letter to Chairman Hastings Regarding Documents Provided to the Committee on the 6-month Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Drilling Moratorium

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Dear Chairman Hastings: The Department of the Interior is in receipt of your three letters, dated July 18, 2011, that relate to the status of several of the requests for documents and information that you have made to the Department and its bureaus during the 112th Congress. Specifically, these letters address requests for documents and information that relate to - all…

39 House Republicans Send Letter to Senators Over Nominee for Fish, Wildlife and Parks Assistant Secretary

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Dear Senators Boxer, Bingaman, Inhofe, and Murkowski: As you consider President Obama's nomination of Ms. Rebecca Wodder as Assistant Secretary for Fish, Wildlife and Parks at the Department of the Interior, we respectfully write to let you know of our serious concerns with her record as the head of American Rivers, a single purpose interest group focused on litigating against the…

Chairman Hastings Letter to Secretary Salazar Reiterating April 25th Request for Specified Documents and Information on the 6-month Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Drilling Moratorium, Sets New Deadline

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Dear Mr. Secretary: On April 25, 2011, we sent you a letter that requested documents, drafts and communications related to the Report of Investigation - Federal Moratorium on Deepwater Drilling Case No. PI-PI-IO-0562- issued by the Office of Inspector General. Specifically, we requested the following items: Any and all documents, referring, relating, or pertaining, directly or…

Chairmen Hastings and Lamborn Letter to Secretary Salazar Reiterating Requests for Documents Related to the Rewrite of the 2008 Stream Buffer Zone Rule, Sets New Deadline

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Dear Mr. Secretary: As you are aware, the Committee on Natural Resources (Committee) is actively investigating issues surrounding the Department of the Interior's Office of Surface Mining, Reclamation and Enforcement (OSM) rewrite of the 2008 Stream Buffer Zone Rule (Rule). Through series of letters to the OSM and the Department of the Interior (DOI), the Committee has…

59 Representatives Letter to Secretary Vilsack Expressing Concern Over the Proposed National Forest System Land Management Planning Rule

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Dear Secretary Vilsack: We write to express our concern over the Proposed National Forest System Land Management Planning Rule published in the Federal Register on February 14,2011 (proposed rule) that would affect the management plans of the nation's 155 national forests and 20 grasslands. With a keen interest in the active management of our nation's federal forest resources and the…

Chairmen Hastings and Lamborn Letter to Acting Inspector General Mary Kendall Requesting More Information and Documents Pertaining to the 6-month Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Drilling Moratorium

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Dear Ms. Kendall: On July 20, 2010, we requested the Office of Inspector General to conduct an investigation into whether senior officials of the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), in an effort to help justify their decision to impose a 6-month moratorium on deepwater drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, misrepresented that the moratorium was reviewed and supported by a group of…